The comedy manga follows a male part-time late-night convenience store worker named Matsukoma, and the new part-time worker he trains named Tomoharu Nii, nicknamed Nietzsche-sensei. Tomoharu is a university student in the school’s Buddhism department. When an angry customer screams at Tomoharu, “Customers are gods!,” he replies, “God is dead.” The manga follows the part-time...
This romantic comedy is a romantic comedy woven by a high school girl, Shinoburinko, and a classmate, Kazuya Kobake. In fact, Ryuko is a hybrid of dinosaurs and humans, a subspecies, and usually lives in the form of a human, but at an unexpected timing, a part of her body transforms into a tyrannosaurus. The...
Takuma Misato, who has a crush on a classmate, is suddenly kidnapped at the infirmary when he comes to have a second checkup. When he wakes up, he’s strapped to a bed and forced to do “something” by a beautiful nurse he doesn’t know! It’s a mysterious hospital where men are locked in an isolation...
A peasant named Hanbei asks a girl named O-haru for her hand in marriage, but O-haru confesses that she is already thinking of another man named Masakichi from a neighboring village. When Hanbei seeks out Masakichi, he finds that Masakichi possesses a sword and the skills to use it, despite being a peasant. (Source: ANN)